My most current frustration (a bit off topic) is Skype's keystroke
echo latency, whatever the cause. I can't cope with it, yet I have to
use it for employment reasons.

It reminds me that upas with acme Mail is immeasurably faster at
reading and reacting to mail than the bloat I need to use as a mailer:
Thunderbird; and less buggy. Sadly, I could choose my mailer, in this
case, but mailman queue moderation in Plan 9 is just not viable unless
I code my own tool chest for that and I just have too many higher
priority tasks to do that. It nags me, just not enough.

So, why is my main workstation a Plan 9 one?

 I think the most significant reason may well be that a
top-of-the-line Apple laptop is way beyond my means; I rage against
Apple, yet I have seen too many people I respect switch to Apple and
even though I believe the reason is fashion rather than practicality,
I cannot stop the suspicion that the only barrier to me capitulating
too is my lack of funds.

So, that bit aside, a native Plan 9 environment is what I enjoy
developing small prototype tools (software tools), which is what I
mostly do for a living, in Go. Big screen, fast reaction on old
hardware, seamless compilations and testing and, best of all, platform
independence (also "it keeps me honest"). And Go has so many native
libraries, I can play with PostgreSQL or OpenLDAP and many other
foreign services without touching Linux for hours on end (no open
Windows, here, with really, really rare exceptions).

There is a middling list of improvements I would like, some needing
hard work (Go's Shiny), some in  the middle (proper SSH functionality,
native to Plan 9 - I haven't had a chance to mess with Go's options),
and some trivial (vmx is a recent discovery, I haven't had the time to
set up a working, integrated instance of 9front, upas or similar is
the pressing one).

But it all helps me keep my sanity and that makes up for a lot of shortcomings.


On 6/14/18, 刘宇宝 <> wrote:
> Compared to "not for you", "don't care",  "intend to not be successful", I
> like more the topic of cat-v irc channel on freenode set by aiju:  "fun
> fact: you can use multiple operating systems at the same time".
> Certainly Plan 9 can't replace Linux/macOS/BSD/Windows, I'm still curious
> its upper bound for a sensible daily usage,  and the best practice from you
> happy experienced Plan 9 users.
> I checked mail headers in this mailing list, seems all use Apple Mail,
> iPhone Mail, WebMail with AJAX, Gmail(a lot), ProtonMail,  these emails went
> through Postfix and Exim servers, probably on Linux.
> In great harmony, we use kinds of operating system and kinds of software on
> them.
> Regards,
> Yubao Liu
>> On Jun 14, 2018, at 10:53 AM, N. S. Montanaro <> wrote:
>> I think a lot of people discover Plan 9 and want it to be something it
>> isn’t, rather than stumble upon it out of necessity. As the FQA says,
>> “Plan 9 is not for you."

Lucio De Re
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