On 21/06/2018, Ethan A. Gardener <eeke...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
>... I no longer have a desk of
> the right proportions to make mouse use comfortable, and can no longer bend
> over a laptop for hours on end, (a Thinkpad with 3 buttons,) text editing in
> Plan 9 has become unpleasant. I could patch Samterm and Rio to make it more
> comfortable, but it's not worth it.

Would you mind elaborating on these ideas?

Something I've been thinking along the same lines:
Inferno's shell allows one to add custom buttons to a shell window.
See more here:

This could be used to add shortcuts to common/more complicated text
editing tasks in Inferno's sh + sam -d.
I'm not sure if this would free one from using a 3-button mouse, though.


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