Quoth Dworkin Muller <dlm-9f...@weaselfish.com>:
> On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 12:24:35 +1030, Alex Musolino <a...@musolino.id.au> wrote:
> alex> You're missing the 'role=client' tuple.
> You are exactly correct.  Looks like rsa(8) has a bug in its example
> for generating and installing a fresh key for a remote Unix system, in
> that it says to use:
>     auth/rsagen -t 'service=ssh' >key
>     auth/rsa2ssh key | ssh unix 'cat >>.ssh/authorized_keys'
>     cat key >/mnt/factotum/ctl
>     ssh unix
> Inferring from the example generating a tinc host key, it appears that
> the first line should instead be:
>     auth/rsagen -t 'service=ssh role=client' >key
> Thank you *very* much for catching that.
> Dworkin

Now, I'm confused. The example just works for me -- and
I use ssh to get into my linux and openbsd machines on
a daily basis.

I also just spun up a FreeBSD 12.1 vm on vultr to test,
and it just worked out of the box for me. (I assume you're
on 12.2, but that wasn't an option -- the update is
currently running)

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