Hi all,

I tried some artificial example for Plan9 compiler (5c)...

This code is compiled without any problem:
uintptr frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
uintptr scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[0]};

But this one fails:
uintptr frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
uintptr scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[1]};

...with message:
cpu% 5c -p t.c
/usr/pavel/t.c:16[t.c:888] initializer is not a constant: scnd

OTOH, replacement of 'uintptr' by 'void*' is compiled without any problem:
void* frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
void* scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[1]};

Any explanation is appreciated.


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