maybe a previous fix was not applied?

there is a slight difference in the error messages
between the address of zeroth element vs first element
(see line 9 vs 10 errors below).  regardless, it's working
as expected on vanilla Plan 9:

% cat addrgames.c
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
uintptr frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
uintptr scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[1]};
uintptr thrd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[0]};
void* frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
void* scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[1]};
void* thrd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[0]};
% 8c addrgames.c
% 5c addrgames.c
% vc addrgames.c
% 6c addrgames.c
% 5c -D USEUINTPTR addrgames.c
addrgames.c:8 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:8 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:8 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:8 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:8 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:9 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:9 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:9 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND ULONG" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:9 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND ULONG" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:10 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
addrgames.c:10 incompatible types: "ULONG" and "IND VOID" for op "AS"
too many errors

On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 8:51 AM Pavel Klinkovský
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I tried some artificial example for Plan9 compiler (5c)...
> This code is compiled without any problem:
> uintptr frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
> uintptr scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[0]};
> But this one fails:
> uintptr frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
> uintptr scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[1]};
> ...with message:
> cpu% 5c -p t.c
> /usr/pavel/t.c:16[t.c:888] initializer is not a constant: scnd
> OTOH, replacement of 'uintptr' by 'void*' is compiled without any problem:
> void* frst[] = {nil, nil, nil, nil, nil};
> void* scnd[] = {nil, nil, frst, &frst[1]};
> Any explanation is appreciated.
> Pavel
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