This may be spectacularly stupid, but . . .

It seems to me that the Plan 9 (or UNIX) way here, given pipes
and good text processing tools, is to think that there is absolutely
no need for me to write rc scripts the way that rc demands that
I write them as long as I have a (perhaps sed or awk based)
preprocessor. So, instead of actually writing

        echo 1
        echo 2
        echo n

one might just write


and pass it through the preprocessor before it gets run by rc.

Is that nuts? It seems to me that, if you don't write a lot of long
here doc using scripts, you can just write the echos, but if you
do, it might be worthwhile to do something like that.

Just a mildly buzzed thought. Man, the Berkshire Brewing
Company makes some good beer. :-)


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