On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 07:21:40PM +0200, Tari Mrkis wrote:
> Thank you for your answer.It was obvious but I couldn't see it...
> I can't see this one too: how do you get from 2^64 keystream space to 2^53
> stored data points?From what I understand from the 2^64 states
> 2^3 states can be excluded due to the fact that after the 100 steps,
> only 16% of the states can exist.

cut a factor of 8 (all invalid states through 100 forward clocks)
cut a factor of 1.5 (because you can find A5/1 states in the neighbourhood
of a match through forward-then-backward clocking that also produces the
keystream that you are interested in)
cut a factor of 204: each LAPDM frame gives you 4*51 64bit long segments
of keystreams which all can produce a match in the table.

2^64 / 8 / 1.5 / 204 = 2^52.7

now that ignores the collisions that exist between a large number of the
states in the table, but that is a different question, and you also cannot
expect a 100% success rate for the same reason.

the number of states in the tables is 6.2B * 2^15 * 40 of which a fraction
are collisions. i cannot say how many there are, but i know that
i threw away 2 billion chains per table because a collision happenen under
the same round function and produced a chain merge.

> From the remaining 2^61 how you end up at 2^56.5 or 2^57?
> Or is it that you assume that 2^57(2^56.5) gives enough success rate with
> the given lookup keystreams and so it suffices, and from that point on
> taking
> into account the 100 steps you end up at 2^53?
> Thank you.
> On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 10:43 PM, <sascha.kriss...@web.de> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 05:28:27PM +0200, Tari Mrkis wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I haven’t understood a very basic point.
> > >
> > > If there is the possibility of backclocking why do we have to build the
> > > rainbow tables to begin with. I understand that if there is a hit in the
> >
> > It is not possible to clock back keystream. You have to know a A5/1
> > register assignment to be able to reach neighbouring states through
> > forward/backclocking. You cannot know what the A5/1 register content
> > is from examining keystream (because it is a cryptographic one way
> > function).
> > So with the time memory tradeoff attack you can reverse that function
> > and end up anywhere in the state space of internal A5/1 registers along the
> > path that was taken to generate said keystream; from where
> > it is trivial to clock to a point where the frame number has been removed
> > from the state.
> >
> > > table, either this is the state we are looking for (next to get rid of
> > the
> > > frame number) OR this state can be forward clocked for 100 times and then
> > > backwards to reach some more valid states any of which can be the desired
> > > one. So why don’t simply backclock the 64 bit sequence, find the valid
> > > states and then backclock them all for 100 without the need to build
> > tables.
> > > From what I understand there is not a huge numbers of states, 1.4 states
> > on
> > > average for the 100 forward-back clocking, so for the 64 backwards
> > clocking
> > > this number may increase a little but not too much.
> > >
> > > Also one more question; the total size of the constructed tables is about
> > > 1,7 GB with 40 tables of 42 GB each, is it right?
> >
> > 48 tables of 42GB each.
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