Atte wrote:
| On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, John Chambers wrote:
| > | <snip> I'm not up to
| > | date with the work on the standard, is there still a commission
| > | working on what to include in the standard? I really think this work is
| > | extremely important if abc is to have any future.
| >
| > What seems to have happened is more or less consistent with the  past
| > work on abc. The (semi-official) standards committee started with the
| > idea that what it needed was a clear formulation of abc  version  1.6
| > as a standard, and has worked on codifying that.  New features are to
| > be put off until the current standard is established. Of course, this
| > is  of  little  relevance  to  people  who need things not covered by
| > version 1.6, so those of us have continued on our merry way inventing
| > random  extensions  for  our  own use, and wondering if the standards
| > folks will ever catch up.
| Ok, who's in the committee, where can one follow the progress of their
| work, and what do they have to say?

I hope nobody on the committee objects to this being posted. It's at
sourceforge,  so  I  expect that everyone understands that everything
there is pretty much all public  information.   You  need  to  get  a
project  admin  to  approve  changes, but reading a project's info is
pretty easy.

BTW, if you just go to and  use  the  search  widget,
you'll find a number of other ABC-related projects.  There's one that
converts DNA sequences to ABC, so you can play a gene.  I'm not  sure
what value this may have ...

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