> On Fri, 24 May 2002, Laurie (ukonline) wrote:

> > Well as Muse already has diamond, cross square (oh, and the usual
> > for note heads, the answer is about minus three years for the
> > GUI editing, printing, etc.

> How does the abc look for this in muse?

It doesn't!  Muse has its own format which has supported these things for
quite a while.

There is no point in trying to import it from ABC because there is no ABC
out there that has it - i.e. no "official" standard and no de facto standard
either and nobody notices the lack in Muse because there is no body of files
for people to try.

There is no point in exporting it from ABC because there's no place to
export it to.  If you want to export it to anopther copy of Muse then you
can do that much better in Muse format (which will remember a load of other
stuff about fonts, layout, view, staffs, tablature too).

If there is an official or a de facto standard, then so long as it's not too
peculiar, an hour or two of work should see Muse able to import it or export
it.  For instance, putting * in front of the note would be easy.

However that would give something that could *look* like some sort of
percussion score.  To make it play like one is another matter.

Incidentally I see in Tom Gerou and Linda Lusk's "Essential Dictionary of
Music Notation" that non-pitched notes are written as x for a basic duration
of 1/4 note (crotchet) and shorter but diamond for 1/2 and longer.  (By
"basic duration" I mean before considering dots, triplets etc).  Their work
seems to be as definitive as any (meaning not definitive at all, but a good
starting point).


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