Phil Taylor wrote:
> Tim Riley wrote:
> >I've been pounding "La Primavera" through the latest version of abcm2ps
> >(3.0.17) and came across a few errors with the .abc file (the biggest
> >one: measure 76 is repeated in the lower four voices) and changed it to
> >take advantage of the !ornament! syntax (and discovered that abcm2ps
> >doesn't yet support the "_stuff" syntax) but one thing stumps me: what
> >are you using the N symbol for?
> I wondered that too.

Yes, that's one symbol that isn't supported by any abc application as
far as I know, although it's fairly easy to write a BarFly macro to play
it back correctly.

The score is located at
and the "N" symbol first appears on page 6.

> There are a few errors here (not surprising in view of the way the text
> was entered).  The five voices have different numbers of bars - V:1
> seems to have a bar missing, while V:3 has one bar extra.  Looks like
> a copy and paste job has gone into the wrong place.

Woops. I never bothered to proofread this abc too thoroughly. As far as
I was concerned, it was only a draft, and once I had converted it into
Finale, I concidered myself more or less finnished with the abc. I
should have caught that error, though.

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