>So you've got your abcm2ps Windows executable - but I suspect
that what 
>you do *next* is also causing you some doubt.

whoo, it's a very complete and well detailled step by step process
you've written Steve !
I remember your good tutorial for the abc notation (I probably
used it when I begin with abc). Is this help for abcm2ps on your
homepage also (I'll check for it) ? So I could pass the url to
people who want to start with abcm2ps, if not, then I'll forward
them this msg.

About ghostscript, I've installed it in an other sub-directory
than the default one (I don't like to have program folders in the
root) and it works fine (even for creating pdf files), but I
remember I've changed several things in the configuration files
for that, so as Steve said it's probably better for a beginner to
let the default installation directory.

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