On Wed, 2 Jul 2003, David Webber wrote:

> The %%mozart: would indicate that this is information
> for mozart only and the following stuff would be
> interpreted by MOZART to say this is for an A4 page
> with a five line stave 23 points high.

That's not a bad idea, but an ever better idea is to
standardize common stylesheet elements according to the
model of CSS. Stylesheet elements that begin with a
certain prefix, like "app-mozart," could be understood
to be private extentions of a software package.

> %%mozart: swing=10

This would be a good example of a private stylesheet
extention, e.g:

%%app-mozart-swing: 10

Still, one must understand that the stylesheet standard
will be a meta standard, and not part of the ABC
language itself.

> ..... |  ABcB &mozart:sraight; ABcB  &mozart:swing; | ....

The ampersand (&) is already used to indicate voice

You could use the !...! notation for this purpose.
E.g: !mozart:straight!

 Irwin Oppenheim

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