In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Phil Taylor
>Suggestions that we change the abc file extension to something other
>than .abc are kind of missing the point.  File extensions are irrelevant
>in Classic MacOS, so BarFly will open any text file, regardless of
>extension.  If the file contains any lines which start with X: it
>will treat what follows as an abc tune on request.
>Likewise, the oft-repeated suggestion that file headers should start
>with a version number which identifies the version of abc won't work
>either because users mostly won't bother.
>You have to remember that most users write their abc using a text editor.
>They make mistakes, and they leave things out.  Now you might say
>that programs should be strict about interpreting it, and point out
>the errors.  The problem there is that the net is full of erroneous
>abc, and if a program is too strict in it's interpretation, it's a
>pain in the arse to use, and users will choose to go elsewhere.
>So, interpreting abc is rather like interpreting a natural language.
>Whatever the standard says you have to bear in mind that this is a
>language which people use to communicate music to each other, with
>no computers involved (other than in the transmission part of the
>process).  For this reason, interpreting abc is much, much harder
>than interpreting MusicXML (despite the fact that MusicXML is a much
>more complete language).
>Phil Taylor

All good points. However it's when some peoplen use ~ to mean a roll and
others use it to mean a turn that there are problems. Of course you can
specify which you want with U: field but most examples I've seen don't.

I don't believe it's only the ~ which has a problem either...

Bernard Hill
Braeburn Software
Author of Music Publisher system
Music Software written by musicians for musicians
Selkirk, Scotland

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