Arent Storm wrote:
>When trying to fit abcusers in a few groups having
>[1] abc-sightreaders (without much need for software)
>[2] abc-collectors
>[3] abc-software-only-users (1st language)
>[4] abc-as- interchange-file-format-users (2nd language)

It is also reasonable to assume that many (most?) of the abc users actually
fall in several of these camps.  I myself fit into all of them and I would
be hard pressed to characterize myself as doing one over any other.  I use
the plaintext abc as an aid memoire (using my Palm) to jumpstart me on
tunes.  I maintain a small collection of morris dance tunes.  I use BarFly
and PalmAbc for transcribing, displaying and playing tunes (especially the
former for when I want to check the accuracy of my transcriptions).  I
frequently send or receive tunes to and from individuals and listservs.

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