On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 12:30:10PM -0400, Laura Conrad wrote:
> >>>>> "Richard" == Richard Robinson
> >>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Richard> No, it wasn't that, just the problem of variant
>     Richard> dialects. ...
> I'm really out of touch with abcm2ps development ...
>     Richard> To be fair, I've just tried it on a big version of the
>     Richard> Black Joak, and it didn't report any problems there
>     Richard> (though lilypond subsequently blew up on a missing
>     Richard> start-repeat ...)
> Can you send me that file?  I thought I had that fixed....

You probably have - it's just the same old much-argued missing
start-repeat at the beginning of the opening bar. Some ABC apps
complain, as well, but recover.

I know it would be "better practice" to put it in, but there's so
much ABC that doesn't. Including mine; because it's obvious and saves
typing ...

>     Richard> [ It may be relevant to mention that I'm running Debian
>     Richard> Linux (stable), and therefore probably quite a long way
>     Richard> behind "current" versions. ]
> If it's 1.4, you should upgrade.  You can get 1.6 from
> ftp://ftp.lilypond.org/pub/LilyPond/binaries/debian.  Unfortunately,
> upgrading to 1.7, which is soon to become the next 1.8 stable version,
> will require getting some stuff from unstable.  But I had 1.6 on a
> pure stable system.

Yes. 1.4.12. So I should probably update before I make any further
comment (well, I should have done _before_, really).

The way I do it is to let Debian manage everything except the things
where I want to be up to the edge (mainly abc-related stuff), which
I install myself in /usr/local ; I don't really want to get involved
with debian unstable, I like a solid system.

So it's a circularity problem - outofdate abc2ly doesn't do what I'm
wanting so I hadn't clocked it as "important" so I haven't kept up to
date ... I may have been wrong about that, lilypond-book might just
better a better wheel than the ones I've cooked up for myself.

I'll have a look at this, and comment further when I have a more up to
date idea ... it may be a while, though.

>     Richard> My thought was just that, this is possibly an important
>     Richard> abc-reading program, but I don't think we've heard from
>     Richard> its developers at all, on this list ? And maybe there are
>     Richard> other such.
> I'm probably the most active maintainer, although I haven't done
> anything to 1.7.  And I do mention it from time to time, but don't
> seem to get much interest back.  I don't know why, since it solves a
> lot of the problems people discuss here.

I'm sorry, I hadn't realised you were involved with its development.

> Since someone finally asked, I have daydreams, which may turn into
> actual coding in the next couple of months, of enabling both
> abctab2ps-style tablature and figured bass in abc2ly.  You do *not*
> want to type the lilypond input for either one, but the lilypond
> output is really nice.  See
> http://www.laymusic.org/music/veracini/book/sonatas.pdf for examples
> of the figured bass.

Yes, it does look nice.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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