John Chambers wrote:

>This has been thrashed out for many  programming  languages
>over  the  past several decades.  It turns out there's only
>one rule that will actually be implemented the same by  all
>programmers,  and  it's  also the only rule that users will
>all understand the same way.  This is that the continuation
>('\' in abc as in many programming languages) just means to
>join the current line to the next line.

I agree.

>If we attempt  to  have  the  continuation  mechanism  skip
>lines,  we  make life very difficult for all of us, because
>there is no real hope that all programmers  will  implement
>this skipping the same way.
>We should classify the old scheme(s) as  a  minor  mistake,
>and  correct  it  in  the  official standard.  Then it will
>finally be clear how  programs  should  implement  it,  and
>programs  that  skip  lines  to  find the continuation will
>simply be buggy.  But it's an easy bug to fix.
>(And we'll still have the even more minor problem caused by
>the  fact that some programmers will replace the '\' with a
>space, while  others  will  delete  it  plus  the  newline,
>causing  the  two  lines  to be joined without a separator.
>This is a problem that still  plagues  several  programming
>languages.   It's  made  worse  by the fact that there's no
>logical solution; both ways work equally well.   Quandaries
>like  this  are  almost impossible for a group of humans to
>ever solve.  ;-)

Er, why would you want to put a space in place of the backslash?
Joining the two lines without a separator seems the logical
thing to do (or at least I can't immediately think of a situation
where adding a space would make sense).

Phil Taylor

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