Phil Taylor writes:
| John Chambers wrote:
| >(And we'll still have the even more minor problem caused by
| >the  fact that some programmers will replace the '\' with a
| >space, while  others  will  delete  it  plus  the  newline,
| >causing  the  two  lines  to be joined without a separator.
| >This is a problem that still  plagues  several  programming
| >languages.   It's  made  worse  by the fact that there's no
| >logical solution; both ways work equally well.   Quandaries
| >like  this  are  almost impossible for a group of humans to
| >ever solve.  ;-)
| Er, why would you want to put a space in place of the backslash?
| Joining the two lines without a separator seems the logical
| thing to do (or at least I can't immediately think of a situation
| where adding a space would make sense).

Well, I tend to agree.  But I think the contrary argument is  that  a
lot  of  people are surprised when the two lines are joined without a
space. They then have to go back and fix it (e.g.  by putting a space
before  the  '\').   I  think  the idea is that this "Oops!" reaction
wastes more time than the alternative.

But note that I called this an  "even  more  minor  problem".   We're
really  on  the fringe here, and it's probably not worth wasting much
time on.  I'd also vote for making a final '\' delete both itself and
the newline, and join the next line without adding anything.  You can
always put a space before the '\'.

Another fringe case is what happens when a  line  ends  with  '\',  a
space,  and  a  newline.  It's common for many implementations to not
recognize this as a continuation.  This one is really baffling  to  a
user,  who usually can't see the space.  The right way to handle this
is to strip off the trailing spaces (and tabs), and  then  check  for
the final '\'.  The input routine is now not quite as trivial (though
it's still pretty trivial).

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