On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 07:11:05PM -0400, Steven Bennett wrote:
 >                                                      ...           (IMHO,
 > there should be NO data in an ABC2 file which exists outside the context of
 > the current tune -- I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but it
 > makes the most sense to me...)

While I usually have pure abc files, I've seen a lot of the  uses  of
abc mixed with text.  You see it all the time on some musical mailing
lists.  As part of a discussion, someone includes a tune or three  in
abc form. It's really convenient to be able to take the message, feed
it unaltered to abc2ps, and see the staff notation.

Of course, it doesn't always work out  that  well.   Long  lines  get
wrapped, and it looks really stupid on the screen.  So you have to go
back, edit the message, and  try  again.   And  people  don't  always
remember to put a blank line after the tune, producing a bit of extra
"modern" music at the end. But a lot of the time, it works just fine.

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