On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 07:11:05PM -0400, Steven Bennett wrote:
>                                                      ...           (IMHO,
> there should be NO data in an ABC2 file which exists outside the context of
> the current tune -- I don't know if anyone else agrees with this, but it
> makes the most sense to me...)
> > (2) A surprisingly large proportion of users type their abc directly
> > in a text editor.  There's no way you can make these people include
> > the identifier.  They mostly won't bother, and if their software enforces
> > it they'll prefer to use a program which doesn't.
> Which is why I suggest it as part of a new ABC 2.0 standard.  If *all*
> programs which support ABC 2.0 need that line, then people will use it when
> writing new tunes to that format.  It's not like typing "%%ABC2" at the
> start of your tune is a particularly onerous or time consuming task.

It's be a lot less onerous to type it once at the head of the file and
let the existing rules for "global" headers stand.

If new software insists on things that people don't particularly want to
do, they might just not use it.

> The issue with XML is you end up with something trivial to parse, but nearly
> impossible to write without machine assistance.  The main reason I like ABC
> (and I suspect others do also) is it's relatively easy to type in music in
> that format.

Same here.

> should be as bloody difficult as it currently is.  (Which reminds me -- is
> there ANY other open source parser out there other than the several dozen
> variants of the ones in ABC2PS and ABCM2PS?   I'd like to look at one,
> especially an object oriented one if one exists...)

There's also the abcMIDI one.

Richard Robinson
"The whole plan hinged upon the natural curiosity of potatoes" - S. Lem
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