In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Christian M. Cepel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
Can anyone offer any reasons this is not a good idea?

I've never taken part in a sourceforge project, but every sourceforge project, without exception, that I have visited, I have been left feeling very confused as to which code to download, should I decide to download. I find this confusing, given that my software experience is now entering its 3rd decade. Lord knows how beginners get on with sourceforge. I recently visited the mingw free compiler/gnu for windows site and was so confused about which package I should download I didn't download a thing (I had a choice of about 20 to 30 odd with no decent description of each).

That said, there are a lot of projects happening there, so maybe its just a perception thing and I think in different ways to the people that designed sourceforge.

typically an egocentric bunch of programmers with vastly different skills and backgrounds.

You know your target audience :-)

Sadly I can't take part in this. I'm committed to many other projects already. These take up crazy amounts of my time without me trying to do another one.

Isn't that nice, the NT box has just BSOD'd. Wonderful.

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
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