From: "John Chambers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Actually, Gardner Read is the one who's mistaken here.  ;-)
> can  and do play chords on several instruments with notes
> at different times. Publishers can and do print music with note
> of different lengths on the same stem.  Mr. Read can't prevent
> of these practices.

I can't stop someone spelling "infinite" as "infinate" and
apparently lots of people do.   This is not a reason to copy them,
encourage the practice, or have it added to dictionaries.

Gardner and Bernard are quite correct, and with good reason.

If one has, for example, a minim and a crotchet attached to the same
stem, who is to say where the following note should be played - a
crotchet later or a minim later?

>.....It  makes
little  sense  to  tell  authors  or  customers  that you won't
representations of some music because you think that  such  music
illegal.  They'll just give you a funny look.<

If you were to copy a passage in which the (non) word "infinate" had
been written and did not change it to "infinite", I suspect you'd
get funnier looks than if you wrote it out correctly.

If you just want to copy the graphic image of music, then a
photocopier is a better tool than abc.

David Webber
Author MOZART the music processor for Windows -
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