In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Paul Rosen
>Here's a compromise: perhaps the parser can have a function like the above
>that takes only one tune, that is, takes a string that starts with "X:", and
>ends just before the next "X:" command. Then there would be a super-parser
>(trivial to write) that breaks the string on "X:" boundaries. I'm guessing
>that most applications would be concerned with just one tune at a time,

OK, we also need a function which can find the total number of tunes in
the tune book (ie find the last X:). Also another to very the tune book
is in good shape (are all X: markers in order). I think you'd just pass
the tune number rather than the tune marker (X:) as that is a detail for
the parser.

>Callback functions are ok, but they complicate the API. I'd rather aim for
>the simplest API we can get away with.

Agreed. I use the Microsoft DbgHelp library a lot. You are forced to use
Callbacks for shedloads of stuff, much of which (in my opinion without
knowing the datastructures involved :-) shouldn't be necessary. Even to
find out the number of symbols you have to iterate all the symbols via
the callback. Totally crazy - anyway I wasn't advocating that, I
would've asked for a separate function
        unsigned int numTunes().

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
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