Stephen Kellett writes:
| In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Chambers
| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
| >Actually, doing that would be not just feasible; it  would  be  easy,
| >except  for that one little elephant hiding over there in the corner:
| >Copyright.
| OK, so how do Google get away with storing all those cached web pages
| (just about all of which are copyright someone else) on their search
| farm?

Well, the basic answer to this is that  they  grew  to  be  Big  Guys
before anyone in authority realized what they're doing. And there's a
sub-answer: They don't in fact cache everything.  They routinely back
down  and remove things when a copyright owner complains.  The copies
of google in different countries suppress different things, depending
on local law.

Google is big enough and successful enough to  pay  staff  to  handle
this sort of thing.  Also, google could probably afford an occasional
$100,000 fine for a violation.  For that matter, Microsoft  is  being
fined  $600,000,000  (or  is  that  Euros?),  and  to them it's small
change, much less than the profits from the business  practices  that
they're being fined for.  If you've got enough money, it's legal.

Actually, an interesting sort of "compliance" on  google's  part  has
lately  come to light.  Several web sites sent them letters demanding
that they remove links under the terms of the DMCA. Google's response
was  to  replace  the  links with links to their copy of the lawyers'
letters.  Those letters, of course, all state  explicitly  what  URLs
google  is required to not link to.  The URLSs are there in the text,
just not as hyperlinks.  People who see this are getting a good laugh
out of it. And the laws seem to be on google's side, because the laws
seem to agree that a letter belongs to the recipient, not the sender.

| I don't know the answer, its not a trick question - but surely the
| answer to that question must be useful to your problem as well. At the
| end of the day theirs is a text search engine and yours is a tune search
| engine. Must be some parallels surely?

The parallels are pretty obvious. But they might not be relevant.  If
you  have the money, you can get away with things that the rest of us

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