John Chambers wrote:
> Yeah, but you could argue  that  it's  not  as  big  a  problem  with
> Windows, because Windows (and MSDOS) is a separate OS that is its own
> "standard" and has never been  even  minimally  compatible  with  any
> other system.  People expect that porting software to Windows will be
> a big deal, and will require a lot of rewriting.
> OSX is, however, a variant of unix.  Much unix software  runs  on  it
> without  problems.  They even seem to have fixed most of the problems
> with the aberrant CR line  terminators,  and  switched  over  to  the
> standard  LF  terminators.  And OSX is pushed as a member of the unix
> family of systems.  So you start using  it,  and  discover  this  one
> really nasty little gotcha ...

Actually, back in 1982 when I first learned UNIX (actually Idris, the first
commercial UNIX lookalike...), it was pounded into me that one should never
take the case-dependence of the file system for granted, since there were
*already* case-independent file systems out there that could be accessed
with the right drivers.  (Admittedly, those file systems were mostly on
*floppy* disks, but the basic concept is still the same... ;)

This was reinforced on the C side of things (which I was learning at the
same time), because assuming case dependencies in filenames were considered
non-portable in any case.  (And back then, writing portable code was
considered by us to be even more important than today...)

Yes, the case independence of HFS+ (the default Mac OS X filesystem) is an
issue if you got in the habit of naming two files the same except for case,
but, IMHO, that has ALWAYS been a bad UNIX practice.  If you never got into
that habit, you shouldn't run into any problems on the Mac.

-->Steve Bennett

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