The reason I don't ask people to send tnues in various binarys is: ABC is as
close to a "universal" computer notation format as we have. It's quite
complicated to create a binary file, and upload it - paste an ABC tune in
the "tune" field on the form and that's all they have to worry about.

I'd be quite happy to put a tune through abc2midi - if it was way out I'd
complain, but otherwise I'd be cool about the idea. Remember there is a very
large site that uses abc2midi - it's called and it works very

Most of the tunes that people have sent me have a comment line saying they
were created by abc2win, and I have not yet come across any special rythem

Take a look at the site - I think you'll agree that the tunes have come out
ok. (computer is an i686 running linux 2.2 abc2midi and that script on that generates images)

See 'ya.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jack Campin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2004 6:41 PM
Subject: [abcusers] Re: PERL ABC script?

> For some reason this got sent to Dafydd instead of to the list, so here
> it is again:
> >[unedited top-posting fixed]
> >
> >>>> Is there a reliable PERL script out there that can convert ABC to
> >>>> images/midi?
> >>> most sites which provide midi or postscript from abc will be using
> >>> a simple script which invokes abc2midi or abcm2ps.
> >> Which is a bit of a problem, as I don't have command-line access to
> >> my web host. My problem is: I have a site where people can submit
> >> tunes in ABC.
> >
> >Why not ask them to submit in other formats too?  Chances are they'll
> >all have their own favourite tools, and if you get them to do it you'll
> >know that the conversion tool used was appropriate for the ABC they
> >wrote.  (I would *not* be happy to have any of my transcriptions auto-
> >munged by abc2midi in its out-of-the-box released form, and people who
> >wrote tunes exploiting its interpretation of rhythmic constructs would
> >not be happy with how more standard ABC software translated them).
> >
> >For the Welsh music you're doing, are you happy with what ABC gives
> >you, or do you need more?  How about special notations for the triple
> >harp?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131
> <>     *     food intolerance data &
> Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files, and my CD-ROM "Embro,
> ------> off-list mail to "j-c" rather than "abc" at this site, please
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