In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Michael Ellis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

Main problem: You've used an existing symbol '-' to represent 2 different things (in one place you call this "minus" and in another "dash") and that is in addition to the already existing use of this character in present ABC notation. Any ABC file written with your notation breaks any ABC software not updated to handle the additional interpretations of '-'.

Overloading of the same character adds complexity to parsers as well (as if they are not already complex enough). Also, humans are notorious for confusing dual use notations or writing the notation in a way that wasn't intended but appears OK to the writer (hence some strange and/or wrong constructs in many ABC files). Overloading the usage of a given character only increases this problem.

I wouldn't be surprised if your idea, as proposed, is a non-starter.

Choose some different characters and your notation could be added by those that wanted to support it. I think this would then make your proposal more attractive. Is "Tilde" ~ used? What about "equals" = ?

Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited
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