Jack Campin writes:
| That's similar to what Curwen sol-fa does, ...

Damn!  You beat me to it.  I had the same reaction.

| (I'm sure somebody somewhere has invented an ASCII representation for
| solfa ...

When solfa first came up on this list, I did  a  bit  of  investigation,  and
found a number of sites that do solfa in ASCII. Unfortunately, no two of them
do it the same way.  I couldn't find any references to  software  that  dealt
explicitly with solfa; it's just printed as text.

This is quite similar to Chris Walshaw's story of how he  started  ABC  as  a
handwritten  notation.  Many people have mentioned using their own improvised
notation that is very similar.  ABC has  become  widely  used  because  Chris
started  storing  his  handwritten notes in his computer, and then decided to
try his hand at a program (abc2mtex) that converted  it  to  staff  notation.
Then  he  made the mistake of showing it to a few friends.  (And now he's the
leader of a cult ...  ;-)

This doesn't seem to have happened yet with solfa.  It works  ok  as  just  a
plain-text notation. Its various user groups don't interact much, and there's
no software that parses it, so the variants in the notation aren't a  serious
problem.   But  suppose  someone were to do something like Chris did.  Pick a
solfa variant and write some useful software for it.  There's a  good  chance
that it would spread among singers like ABC has among instrumentalists.

Anyone want to take on the mantle of leader in this?

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