Hi Mark,
The primary bug affecting the spell checking dialog is that it doesnt
mention the word currently being flagged as mispelt.
You can look through the complete list of accessibility bugs at the
following link which is of the a11y meta bug.
On 10/29/2016 08:18 PM, Mark Peveto wrote:
Hi folks,
New to the list, and am trying to use libreoffice spell check. Using
orca 3.22, it doesn't seem to be accessible. My thinking is that I'm
probably just missing something, so figured I'd check in here to see
what I can find out.
Once I've completed writing a document, and bring up spell check, the
dialogues appear to be empty.
I can't tell what word it's flagged, nor see my choices to correct it.
Thanks for any help.
Mark Peveto
Registered Linux user number 600552
Everything happens after coffee!
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