Hi Jean-Phillipe and Joanmarie,

On 2023-10-08 00:07, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:

Yes, COlomban is working for this. I gave him my nputs, he now tries
to give a better technical base and reproduction scenarios. (...)

Great, knowing the exact steps to reproduce will be very helpful.

Or would the expectation rather be that the dialog content is announced by the screen reader automatically when the dialog gets

I think such behavior would be acceptable, but when the user needs to
 repeat the info, it is always more simple if he can see it via tab
or keys I think. Screen readers dont't have always a feature to
repeat the last message and the last message may be interrupted by
another (a notification, a movement on the keyboard without
consequence, etc)

So far, I was thinking more about the latter. This would also match
 the current behavior of other info/warning dialogs, like the one
that gets shown when closing the document with unsaved changes.

Right, same problem, in particular, for example, when the filename is
 not friendly for a speech synth, requiring repeating.

Thanks for the explanation. I can see how Thunderbird does it. Since you say announcing the content by default when it gets shown is acceptable, I tend to prioritize my efforts on that for now.

The changes to make that work for NVDA mentioned in my previous email are merged now and will be included in LibreOffice 24.2:

Orca currently announces only a few of the labels in the dialog, the actually relevant information isn't announced because Orca restricts what it announces.

I've submitted a merge request to Orca with a potential approach that make that scenario work:

@Joanmarie: If you could take a look at that at some point and provide feedback on whether that looks like a workable approach or there's a better solution, that would be much appreciated.

Best regards,

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