On 2023-10-12 14:02, Michael Weghorn wrote:
I think the best way forward is to switch to adhere to the IAccessible2
specification and report the "invalid:spelling" attribute for spelling
That also needs a modification in NVDA to longer expect the custom
Once that's implemented, we'll see whether that already makes the
announcement of misspelled words work as expected or more is needed.
I'm currently working on that, see the following bug report I created
for more details:
That's done now and announcement of spelling errors when NVDA announces
a line in Writer works with the LibreOffice changes from the
above-mentioned Bugzilla ticket and the corresponding NVDA change (
https://github.com/nvaccess/nvda/pull/15649 ) in place, i.e. it will
work with the upcoming versions LibreOffice 24.2 and NVDA 2024.1.
The fact that LibreOffice was switched from custom attributes to
attributes according to the IAccessible2 specification also implies that
assistive technology that was previously only supporting the custom
attributes has to be adapted to accept the IAccessible2 text attributes now.
For NVDA, this has been implemented in the pull request mentioned above.
If you rely on the feature of announcing formatting information, I'd
recommend to update NDVA to 2024.1 next year before updating to
LibreOffice 2024.2. (Announcement for text formatting will not work with
NVDA 2023.x and LibreOffice 2024.2 and above).
In a quick test with JAWS, it didn't announce any text attributes when
pressing Keypad_Insert+F, neither with nor without the recent
LibreOffice changes in place, so it seems like that's not implemented
there at all. (I can't take any closer look because that's a closed
source product.)
If anybody wants to test the current development versions, I'm happy
about feedback.
If anybody is aware of other assistive technology that should be taken
into account, I'm thankful if you either notify the developers yourself
or let me know so I can take care of this.
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