Hi Harish,
i am sorry to inform you that whenever a small mistake occurs from my sideĀ it 
is beeing taken seriously by you 
but at the same time there are so many off topic postings nobody cares for them.
please tell me how the topic such as "orkut, new member" falls within the scope 
of the group.
if you are not convinced with my explanation you are at liberty to remove me. i 
myself don't want to continue in such a group where double standerds are 
adopted for different members. i am sorry i am fed up with your bossism. i am 
quitting  the group with immidiate effect.
finally i thanks all the members who have directly and indirectly helped me in 
increasing my knowledge.
for the lost time it is Dattu Agarwal

On Mon, 09 Apr 2007 Harish Kotian wrote :
>Dear Dattu
>Please recollect you had been once taken off the list for making off topic 
>The explaination provided by you is concerning general security and no way to 
>accessibility or disability your explaination is not convincing.
>As you are are aware of the guidelines set, you should have posted to the 
>moderator when in case of a doubt.
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: dattu agarwal
>   To: Harish Kotian
>   Sent: Monday, April 09, 2007 5:49 AM
>   Subject: Re: Off - topic posting
>   Hi Harish,
>   since this matter is related with growing thret to our software engineers 
> and also it is a matter of concern
>   i have posted the topic.
>   if you think that such topic should not be discussed then it is OK.
>   regards
>   Dattu Agarwal
>   On Sun, 08 Apr 2007 Harish Kotian wrote :
>   >How safe are IT professionals in Silicon City is the question
>   >
>   >Hello Dattu
>   >
>   >Please explain in what way this article posted by you placed below is in 
> keeping with the scope of this group.
>   >Harish.
>   >
>   >K.V. Subramanya
>   >
>   >Four software engineers murdered for gain in the last 2 years
>   >
>   >BANGALORE: The murder of young software engineer Manoj Kumar has thrown up 
> the all-important question: how safe are information technology (IT) 
> professionals
>   >working in Bangalore?
>   >
>   >With the influx of IT and ITES companies to the city, there is a notion 
> that professionals from these firms are increasingly becoming soft targets 
> for criminals.
>   >
>   >In the past two years, at least four young software engineers were 
> murdered and robbed of cash, credit and debit cards, mobile phones and gold. 
> These cases
>   >were reported from the South East division of the city police, which has 
> jurisdiction over the IT corridor.
>   >
>   >While 24-year-old Manoj was a native of Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, Adeep 
> Lahiri (32), murdered in December 2006, and Rakesh Kumar (25), strangled in 
> April
>   >2005, were from Kolkata and Ranchi. Pratibha Srikanth Murthy (24), who was 
> done to death in December 2005, was from the State.
>   >
>   >First-time offenders
>   >
>   >Interestingly, these murders were committed not by organised gangs but by 
> first-time offenders. One of the accused in Lahiri's murder was an IT company
>   >employee and the other a former housekeeping employee at ITPL. The alleged 
> mastermind of Manoj's killing was an attender in a software company.
>   >
>   >Besides these murders, in the past three years some 50 employees of IT 
> firms, business process outsourcing (BPO) units and call centres have been 
> waylaid
>   >and robbed of cash and valuables by armed robbers.
>   >
>   >According to the police, the odd working hours and often flashy lifestyle 
> of the software professionals and BPO executives are the major causes for the
>   >crimes. Criminals target software engineers as they assume these highly 
> paid professionals always carry with them cash, credit cards, high-end mobile 
> phones
>   >and laptops.
>   >
>   >IT professionals going home late are increasingly the easy target of 
> robbers. An analysis of such crimes shows that in most of the cases, the 
> victims were
>   >robbed between 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. Most of these professionals are 
> immediately recognisable because of the identity cards slung around their 
> neck.
>   >
>   >Prof Dattu Agarwal.
>   >President Bharthiya Welfare Association for the Blind Gulbarga Karnataka.
>   >LL. 08472223044
>   >Mobile 9886678744
>   >To unsubscribe send a message to
>   >with the subject unsubscribe.
>   >
>   >To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
> please visit the list home page at
>   >dattu agarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    
> http://accessindia.org.in/mailman/listinfo/accessindia_accessindia.org.in
>   Prof Dattu Agarwal.
>   President Bharthiya Welfare Association for the Blind Gulbarga Karnataka.
>   LL. 08472223044
>   Mobile 9886678744

Prof Dattu Agarwal.
President Bharthiya Welfare Association for the Blind Gulbarga Karnataka.
LL. 08472223044
Mobile 9886678744
To unsubscribe send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject unsubscribe.

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