This is fabulous, Dipendra! Just downloaded. Simple and intuitive


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Lead Accessibility Consultant, Informatica

On Fri, May 4, 2018 at 1:44 PM, Dipendra Manocha <>

> Dear Friends
> Simply Reading app launched on May 2. See below for more details:
> In preparation to impact million persons with print disabilities in India
> Dependence on others for reading and writing is one of the biggest hurdles
> in way of education, employment and leading an independent life, especially
> in case of people living with visual disabilities and low vision.  To
> empower the persons with visual disabilities, , the DAISY Consortium (a
> network of not for profit organisations from 55 countries) has developed
> the "Simply Reading” app as part of Standard Chartered Bank’s global Seeing
> is Believing initiative to tackle avoidable (preventable or treatable)
> blindness. The App is based on the cost-effective and flexible android
> platform which aims to unlock digital reading for people who struggle with
> existing, more complex touch screen solutions.  It is the only Android
> application in India for reading books which connects to online accessible
> libraries, and allows books to be read on connected Braille display and in
> all major Indian languages.
> The app was launched during the Simply Reading Without Seeing Seminar held
> on 2 May at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi by Shri Jagmohan, former
> governor of Jammu and Kashmir and former LG of Delhi.  On the occasion of
> the launch, Mr. Jagmohan released an accessible copy of his book "My frozen
> Turbulence in Kashmir" on Sugamya Pustakalaya and readable on the Simply
> Reading app. Sugamya Pustakalaya is the common online library of accessible
> books for people with print disabilities which is powered by TCS Access
> Infinity. Sugamya Pustakalaya is an integral part of Accessible India
> Campaign of government of India. Software platform for this has been
> contributed by TCS and accessible content and outreach is contributed by
> government and non-government not for profit organizations and publishers.
> Mr Richard Orme, CEO of the DAISY Consortium said, “The Simply Reading app
> is simple to use by persons with blindness or low vision on a touch screen
> device and books can be directly downloaded and read in this app from many
> online libraries such as Sugamya Pustakalaya and Bookshare.”
> Ms Karuna Bhatia, Head of Sustainability for India, Standard Chartered
> Bank said, “This year is special as it marks the 15 year anniversary of
> Seeing is Believing, our global community investment programme to tackle
> visual impairment and avoidable blindness. In India, from 2003 to 2017, we
> have provided over 13 million eye care interventions through our network of
> 125 vision centres across 22 states catering to people in the urban, rural
> and remote parts of the country. We are excited to be part of this project
> and congratulate the Daisy Consortium for their hard work in creating a
> long-term and sustainable value for the local community through the
> development of Simply Reading app which aims to unlock the digital reading
> potential of the visually impaired.  The launch of this app is a true
> demonstration of how we are getting closer to being digital with a human
> touch and empowering our communities.”
> Another key highlight of the seminar was presentation and dissemination of
> the accessible digital and tactile format version of training materials on
> often neglected topic of Menstrual Hygiene which were jointly developed by
> the Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council - a UN agency,
> Saksham and the Assistech Lab of IIT Delhi. Ms Kamini Prakash, Technical
> Officer of Equality and Non-Discrimination at WSSCC  said,  "This
> publication helps to break the silence around menstruation and replace
> shame and silence with information, pride and confidence so that women and
> girls with visual impairment adopt safe and hygienic practices during their
> period and walk tall every day of their lives.”
> Saksham along with its partner organizations has been involved in several
> projects to provide a holistic affordable reading and writing solution for
> in Indian languages. Outcomes of these projects such as the Indo-NVDA
> screen reading software, DAISY players in all Indian languages, affordable
> Braille displays, and the dictation software were also demonstrated.
> Saksham also released about 300 accessible format books for the students
> of central universities in under Amway India’s CSR programme. Mr Sunil
> Sachdev, President of Federation of Publishers's and Book Sellers's in
> India committed his whole-hearted support and cooperation to make these
> books available in accessible format for persons with print disabilities on
> Sugamya Pustakalaya.  Prof. Balakrishnan who leads the centre of excellence
> on tactile graphics at IIT Delhi introduced accessible materials for
> teaching subjects such as Science and Mathematics to people with blindness.
> Mr Dipendra Manocha, President of the DAISY Forum of India and founder of
> Saksham said that, "With development of affordable reading devices in
> Indian languages and braille presses connected to common online library
> having a collection of about 3.5 lakh accessible format books paves the way
> to scale up our operations and reach out to 5.3 million people with
> blindness or low vision of our country.”
> Thanks
> Dipendra
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