Dear Friends,

It is quite painful to note these developments.  In my case too, since
I have resumed today after a long leave, it is impossible for me to
leave at such a short notice.  I am quite shocked that organizations
working in the field are just bowing down to government's whims and
fancies.  Could we not have waited a fortnight or so and then started
the consuntation process once the draft was mulled over and sunkk in?
The process appears to me to be a sham.  We will all be studying the
draft along with all the other activities that we undertake.

We must really think prior to agreeing to be part of such events where
we are merely expected to put a stamp of approval or add to number for
the sake of convenience to the government and Committee.



On 2/11/11, Kanchan Pamnani <> wrote:
> The revised draft has finally come late last night. It is 115 pages long.
> I dont know how it will be possible for any of us to comment  at the State
> meetings?How do the State Facilitators expect us to read, understand and
> then  discuss the draft in 4 days time?
> Maharashtra has organised its meeting on 15th which means 4 days from today.
> The first time I heard of this meeting was when Ram replied to a email on
> accessindia on 8th February 2011 late night.
> There has been no formal email of invitation, no other intimation of agenda,
> venue  and arrangements I wonder whats happening?
> Unfortunately for those of us who do not work for NGOs, we find it very
> difficult to explain to clients/employers etc why we cant tell them in
> advance that we want 2 days off. I know for a fact that I have matters in
> court on both the days that have been planned for the State Consultation and
> therefore cannot attend. Why could not these dates have been decided
> earlier?
> The sector has been asking for State consultations from September  2010.
> I wonder what is the point of these excersises?
> In any event lets look at the draft and lets start our own process. I am
> sure we will get a chance to air our views even if it is not at the State
> Consultation. Moderator please upload it somewhere and let us know.
> Kanchan
> dash
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "amruthreddy kasarla" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 5:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [AI] Where is revised working draft?
>> It seems the draft legislation is being kept secrete.I heard that the
>> reservation in recruitment is going to be confined only to direct
>> recruitment
>> but not promotions because of the judicial decisions. The normal persons
>> who are
>> in the decision taking place are not interested to give reservation in
>> promotions to the disabled persons. The learned members of the
>> are requested to give attention towards this.
>> Amruth Reddy
>> ________________________________
>> From: "Asudani, Rajesh" <>
>> To: "" <>
>> Sent: Thu, 10 February, 2011 2:43:19 PM
>> Subject: [AI] Where is revised working draft?
>> Friends
>> Today is tenth, and I am awaiting revised working draft of disability
>> legislation.
>> Yet there is no sign of it and state consultations dates have been
>> announced.
>> I wonder how the new piece of law would reach the target groups in a
>> couple of
>> days, let alone formulating reactions on it and suggestions  and
>> improvements..
>> Moreover, it seems such consultations are a prerogative of a few living in
>> the
>> cities concerned, as many would not be able to travel at such a short
>> notice.
>> Anyway, let me know when the revised draft is out.
>> With thanks and regards
>>                                (Rajesh Asudani)
>> Assistant General Manager
>> Reserve Bank of India
>> Nagpur
>> Cell: 9420397185
>> o: +91 712 2806846
>> R: 2591349
>> "The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to
>> find it,
>> the courage to get on to it, and
>> the perseverance to follow it. Wishing you great journey."
>> -Kalpana Chawla
>> (An excert from the e-mail Kalpana sent to the students of Punjab
>> Engineering
>> College from aboard Columbia.)
>> "The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to
>> find it,
>> the courage to get on to it, and
>> the perseverance to follow it. Wishing you great journey."
>> -Kalpana Chawla
>> (An excert from the e mail sent from Columbia
>> -mail Kalpana sent to the students of Punjab Engineering College from
>> aboard
>> Columbia.)
>> ________________________________
>> Notice: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
>> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
>> addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use,
>> review, distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in
>> this
>> e-mail message and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If you
>> have
>> received this email by error, please notify us by return e-mail or
>> telephone and
>> immediately and permanently delete the message and any attachments. The
>> recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of
>> viruses. The Reserve Bank of India accepts no liability for any damage
>> caused by
>> any virus transmitted by this email.
>> Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!
>> Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!
> Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!

Ketan Kothari
Phone: [r] 24223281,
Cell: 9987550614
Skype ID: Ketan3333

Get numbers right this time, help the census with correct disability info!

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