On 5/25/11, Sathiyaprakash Ramdoss <sathiya.ramd...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Hmm!Discrimination instances against disabled by airlines keep
> accumulating in India?
> Few instances from the past-
>  Example-1: Taken from-
> http://www.dnis.org/news.php?issue_id=13&volume_id=3&news_id=464&i=7
> Ali, 26, with locomotor disability, booked a ticket on Indian Airlines
> and was placed on the waiting list. For nearly a month he was on the
> waitlist no. 1, without getting a confirmed seat.
> He has alleged that it was not a case of excess booking with Indian
> Airlines (as several persons who had booked tickets after him were
> given confirmed status), but because he booked his ticket under the
> category of disabled persons.
> Indian Airlines issues ‘M’ category tickets at concessional rates to
> visually impaired people and people with locomotor disability of 80
> per cent and above. Ali claims that the practice of the company is to
> issue only waitlisted tickets to disabled persons, regardless of how
> well in advance they may have booked the tickets, and not confirm them
> until the time of departure so as to accommodate passengers paying the
> full fare.
> As per the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995, as also directions of
> the Supreme Court of India, Indian Airlines, as a state-owned carrier,
> is under legal obligation to pursue disabled-friendly policies.
> Through his counsel S. S. Dey, Arman Ali filed a writ petition praying
> for non-discrimination by Indian Airlines in issuing ‘M’ class
> tickets, and further direction to the airline for giving confirmed
> ticket on booking by a person with disability on his availing a ticket
> at concession rate solely on the criteria of availability of seats on
> aircraft and not on any other commercial consideration.
> Justice A. Roy, in his order dated 24 June, has issued a show cause
> notice of motion to the Ministry of Civil Aviation as well as the
> Indian Airlines Ltd. asking as to why the prayers of the petitioner
> should not be granted and has fixed the matter for 18 July, for
> further consideration and necessary orders.
> Example-2: Taken from;
> http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2007-06-20/india/27990719_1_disabled-protest-human-chain-rajiv-rajan
> Disabled protest in Chennai airport against offloading NGO activist
> PTI, Jun 20, 2007, 02.06pm IST
> CHENNAI: About 100 physically challenged persons on Wednesday formed a
> human chain in front of the domestic airport here in protest of
> refusal by a private airline's to allow a cerebral palsy victim to
> board the aircraft without an escort.
> Holding placards, the disabled, most of them in wheelchairs, held a
> peaceful protest by forming the human chain for nearly 90 minutes.
> They demanded equal rights and urged the Government to put an end to
> discrimination against the disabled.
> "We've been facing discrimination from various airlines and Monday's
> incident was the height of it. It not only violated human rights, but
> also the International Civil Aviation rules," said Smitha, Assistant
> Coordinator - Vidyasagar, an NGO which organised the agitation.
> Example 3: Taken from;
> http://www.petertan.com/blog/2007/12/20/widespread-discrimination-of-disabled-passengers-by-low-cost-airlines/
> The Hindustan Times news titled Airline Displays Callousness in
> December 19 reported that Sanjiv Sachdeva was asked to sign a bond to
> absolve Jetlite from all responsibilities should anything happen to
> him in a flight on December 16. Jetlite is an India-based low cost
> carrier. Sanjiv has filed a complaint with the Directorate General of
> Aviation and the Commissioner of Diabilities.
> In the same newspaper report, another wheelchair user Mahesh
> Chandrashekar was subjected to similar conditions by Deccan, India’s
> first low-fare airline. Mahesh was reported to have said that the
> language used in the indemnity form sounded prejudiced, embarrassing,
> derogatory and appeared as if a favour has been doled out to a
> passenger with disability who is travelling on a fully-paid ticket.
> Indemnity forms are worded in such a way that the person who signed it
> absolves the airline from all blame should anything happen. Too bad if
> that person dies or is injured as a result of flying with the airline.
> To add insult to injury, if the airline has to incur additional costs
> because of that person, the said person has to bear all that. Tell me,
> where is justice in that? Heads I lose. Tails also I lose. Mana boleh?
> Unbelievable? Go read the indemnity form that Airsia made me sign.
> Shame on you Civil Aviation ministry of India!. Thank You.
> Your's Sathiyaprakash
> On 5/24/11, Madhu Singhal <madhu.singha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Members,
>> I want to share that last year king fisher refused to book my ticket to
>> Bangalore to Delhi.
>> I wrote a letter personally and also from comitioner disabilities office.
>> One fine day they called me over phone and said that sorry for this
>> incident
>> and requesting me please do not force to give in writing.
>> Accept our apology our staf was unaware that blind person can travel
>> alone.
>> I did not persue further.----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Pradeep banakar" <pradeepsocialw...@gmail.com>
>> To: <accessindia@accessindia.org.in>
>> Cc: <linkingle...@yahoogroups.com>; <friends...@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 4:17 PM
>> Subject: [AI] Kingfisher crew offloads blind woman with kids
>>> Friend of myne forwarded me this information
>>> http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/topic/article/0gG70zO9fqb0C
>>>                Kindly  copy the message and send the email to chair
>>> kingfisher airlines, NHRC, DGCA.
>>> Subject: Act immediately
>>> Tuesday, May 24, 2011
>>> To:
>>> The Chair Person,
>>> King Fisher Airlines
>>> Dear Chair Person,
>>> Sub-Registering protest for immediate and appropriate action against
>>> guilty crew
>>> This is to register our strong protest against the inhuman, cruel and
>>> indecent behaviour of your crew and other airline members shown towards a
>>> woman with visual impairment and her 2 children. We are shocked and
>>> humiliated by the act and express our serious concern over the matter.
>>> This is the clear case of violation of the provisions enshrined in The
>>> "UN
>>> Convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities-2006" where India
>>> has signed and ratified the same; Guidelines issued by DGCA for all
>>> airlines with regard to persons with disabilities in May 2007; Persons
>>> with disabilities Act 1995 and other human rights treaties and
>>> conventions.
>>> Disabled community of this country strongly condemns this act with clear
>>> and loud words."Violation or Exclusion of persons with disabilities from
>>> enjoying their human rights on an equal basis with others cannot be
>>> excused any more". We urge you to initiate immediate and appropriate
>>> action against the guilty crew and the parties concerned who are
>>> accountable for this inhuman act.
>>> We look forward to hear from you as early as possible about the action
>>> taken against the guilty and measures taken to prevent this kind of acts
>>> in future.
>>> For more details on the incident please read below.
>>> With warm regards,
>>> Victor
>>> Kingfisher crew offloads blind woman with kids
>>> Airline makes them disembark from flight, leaves them unattended for
>>> nearly an hour and a half as aircraft takes off without them
>>> A private airline made a blind woman and her two children disembark from
>>> her connecting flight to Goa and left them unattended for nearly an hour
>>> and a half while the plane took off without them.
>>> Adding insult to injury, the airline's staff allegedly told the woman
>>> that
>>> she could not travel with two kids because she was blind.
>>> Shabnam Mansuri had flown in to Mumbai from Ahmedabad with sons Lukman
>>> (7)
>>> and 18-month-old Luftaan, and was on her way to Goa when the incident
>>> happened
>>> Shabnam Mansuri (35) says the experience has made her realise the fallacy
>>> of thinking that she can be treated like everyone else despite her
>>> handicap.
>>> On May 10, Mansuri was travelling with her sons Lukman (7) and
>>> 18-month-old Luftaan from Ahmedabad to Goa via Mumbai to meet her
>>> husband.
>>> Her tickets had been booked with Kingfisher Airlines.
>>> "I boarded the Kingfisher flight from Ahmedabad and reached Mumbai, from
>>> where I was supposed to take a connecting flight to Goa.
>>> I had barely taken a seat in the connecting flight around 12.30 pm when a
>>> crew member came and asked me to follow him. He also asked me to take my
>>> cabin baggage and kids with me.
>>> Initially, I thought that he must be changing my seat, but realised
>>> something was amiss when he took me down some stairs," said Mansuri.
>>> "I asked him why he was making me get off the plane but he refused to
>>> answer. When my kids and I got off, they closed the aircraft's doors and
>>> took off, leaving us standing there.
>>> One attendant told me later that I cannot travel with two kids as I am
>>> blind. I was shocked," she added. She kept telling the attendant that she
>>> had two young kids and needed to meet her husband in Goa, but to no
>>> avail.
>>> Finally, close to 2 pm, a staff member came and told her that they would
>>> arrange for her to board a 4.40 pm flight to Goa."I did not want to bank
>>> on them anymore. I called my husband and he arranged for us to board
>>> another airline's 3.10 pm flight.
>>> My question is, how can they let me travel from Ahmedabad to Mumbai
>>> without any trouble and then say I cannot travel with two kids from
>>> Mumbai
>>> to Goa? I was travelling on the same airline in both cases," said
>>> Mansuri.
>>> She said the experience was one of the worst she's had in her life. "I am
>>> blind but that doesn't mean they have the right to discriminate against
>>> me.
>>> I had paid the full fare and if they had some problems, they should have
>>> informed me before I boarded. My elder son is so traumatised by the
>>> incident; he says he does not want to fly anymore."
>>> Husband reacts
>>> Mansuri's husband, Samir, who is the Chairman of Blinds Dream, an NGO,
>>> wrote a letter to the airline to complain about the treatment meted out
>>> to
>>> her.
>>> A portion of the letter states, "Kingfisher officials told my wife that
>>> if
>>> she thought they were cruel, she shouldn't travel with them anymore."
>>> "What the Kingfisher staff did to my wife is shameful. They had done
>>> something similar with me in 2005 (see box) and I will not let them get
>>> away this time.
>>> Flight tickets of Shabnam Mansuri and her two sons Lukman and Luftaan
>>> They have replied to my letter but that is not enough. I will take this
>>> issue to the consumer court and will go to the Supreme Court if need be.
>>> This is an insult to me and my family and I will not tolerate it under
>>> any
>>> circumstances," said Samir.
>>> He alleged that he had come to know that his wife was made to disembark
>>> because of a VIP booking at the last moment, which led to the flight
>>> being
>>> overbooked.
>>> "If their company cannot handle blind people, they should declare that
>>> visually challenged people are not allowed to fly Kingfisher," he added.
>>> The Other Side
>>> When MiD DAY contacted Kingfisher Airlines, they said they regretted the
>>> incident. Prakash Mirpuri, vice-president, corporate communications,
>>> Kingfisher Airlines Limited, said, "We are investigating the matter.
>>> In the meantime, we would like to convey our deep regret for the
>>> inconvenience that may have been caused inadvertently to our valued
>>> guests."
>>> Earlier too
>>> Dr Samir Mansuri, Shabnam's husband and a celebrity doctor who is also
>>> blind, had allegedly been insulted by Kingfisher Airlines in 2005 as
>>> well.
>>> According to Samir, he was travelling from Mumbai to Ahmedabad that year.
>>> "I was first in the queue to board the flight, but I was made to wait
>>> till
>>> all the other passengers boarded. When I went inside, they forced me to
>>> visit a washroom outside the aircraft even when I did not want to go.
>>> They said they were doing that so I would't have to visit the airplane's
>>> loo when we were airborne. The crew told me that they could not allow me
>>> to use the aircraft's washroom as I am blind and there were female crew
>>> members on board," said Samir.
>>> "I felt insulted and raised the issue in the media. Vijay Mallya then
>>> issued an apology for the indecent behaviour on the airline's part," he
>>> added.
>>> ---
>>> IF we not part of the solution then we are part of the problem
>>> With Regards
>>> Pradeep T.S
>>> SyndicateBank
>>> Information Technology Cell
>>> Regional Office Bangalore
>>> Mobile: 9845925188
>>> email: pradeep_bana...@rediffmail.com
>>> skype: pradeepsocialwork
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