Hello to all,

I had a query.

I would like to find out that If visually impaired person purchases a house in 
Mahada, or any other government under taking place like MMRDA or others then is 
there any concessions for visually impaired person?

I know the 3% reservations but is there any other concessions in the price of 
the flats as well?

can some one provide the circulars for concessions and reservations for houses 
if available Please do send it to my e mail id that is:


And also If its just any other private builder who is making a building then 
what? what then? is there any such concessions or any such facilities like this 
there as well?

while purchasing a house has anyone availed any of such kinds of facilities?

Please share your experiences with me on my above given e mail id and also the 
related circulars.

Thanks a lot to all

your help is appreciated.


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