On 7 Sep 2004 at 16:57, Albert Reiner wrote:
> To prevent a similar situation in the future, it might be a good idea
> to put some notes into the new version stating under what conditions
> people may modify and redistribute the text.  (Just pointing to some
> well-known licence might be sufficient.)

Some good, relevant points here.

My idea is that the FAQ should be published with an Open Content
licence (eg: see http://creativecommons.org/faq/ ), and not be the
property or copyright of any individual.

> In my interpretation the only alternatives are
> - to ignore Mr. Boyd's copyright and count on him not suing anybody;
But Gerry Boyd is a reasonable person who is not going to sue anybody,
or do anything except offer encouragment. That is what I believe, and
I also have correspondence from him stating his intention to pass the
FAQ on to somebody else.

You are right, but the real issue is whether a new FAQ will be accepted
by distribution channels.

> - to wait for a statement by Mr. Boyd that updating is fine with him; or
I will, of course, keep trying.

> - to write a new Accmail FAQ from scratch but in sufficiently
>   different form so that the copyright of the old one does not apply.

That might ultimately be what we have to do. No problem changing the
format -- it has barely changed in ten years, and really needs a
facelift. The name would have to be different, not ACCMAIL.

By the way, it is good to have some discussion of these issues on the
list. Eventually, we will have to persuade the moderators of the
*answers newsgroups to accept a new FAQ. It might be much easier if
the entire process is documented right here in the list archives, for
everybody to see.

szs `at` szs `dot` net

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