For those who don't yet know (there have been no real mail announcements - 
not even to pm-news), you can get the terrible news from:

Downloads and the rest of the site can still effectively be accessed if 
you bypass the homepage, like this:

Mercury and Pegasus Mail were not open source (Pegasus Mail used 
thirdparty proprietary components), so will they ever go on now?  David 
Harris was thinking about Open Source.  Financial circumstances were 
obviously a serious problem, and no wonder.  In November he announced the 
free release of the support-subscription-provided PDF manuals, but his 
primary mail exchanger ( has been unreachable 
since his announcement and my email questions about this (I'm a former 
support subscription holder) are of course unanswered.  Finally, his 
announcement suggests he will advise people on alternatives; we shall have 
to see what this means.

Pegasus and Mercury were powerful programs and it's no surprise that 
accmailers take a fancy to them.  Me - well, I've been using Pegasus since 
1998 and I'm very sorry to see its effective demise.  I will not 
transition unless there is a reason to do so, though, and continue to use 
it now.  For a few years (around 2000-2003) I also used Mercury as my 
primary mailer (though my demands soon outstripped its capabilities and 
I'm now using Sendmail with all that Unix power).  Once again, solid stuff 
that'll be missed.


PS: since I first posted this, persephone is back up and receiving mail 
again.  I have therefore been able to retrieve my final manual sets.  The 
author has not yet gotten back to us, though, so I'm just going to assume 
for now that he would rather people not try to download anything.  The 
announce lists are up, but silent.

PPS: there's an addendum to the announcement at .  
It may answer some of the above - namely, it is financial difficulty, it 
might not be a tragedy with the right sponsorship, he may consider opening 
the source.

Sabahattin Gucukoglu <mail<at>sabahattin<dash>gucukoglu<dot>com>
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