1. Try to find an alternative download which offers the same file
   compressed to 'zip', 'gz', or some other compression format.

2. If you know the size of the file, use a www4mail server with command
   GETSIZE to ensure that the exe file is split. For example, if the
   file size is 100 Mb, use command GETSIZE 90000. This won't help Eliam
   (the parts will have the form .exe.NNN), but it might help others.

4. If you have occasional access to the WWW (or if you have a friend who
   can do it for you), sign up for a Gmail (Googlemail) account at
   Although Gmail rejects .exe attachments, it is ACCMAIL-friendly in
   every other way (and it accepts attachments of type .exe.NNN).

::: SZS :::

SZS, having had a good bit of experience sending and receiving
binaries via Gmail, I have 2c (USD :-) ) to contribute;

1) Splitting the file IS going to be necessary to receive an .exe file
via Gmail, even if put into an archive, esp. zip. Their virus scanners
look inside compressed files for executables. I've never tried a
gzipped file, but I remember experimenting awhile back with various
compression programs to see if it'd take an .exe file in something
else, and the only one that worked was the .lzh (aka .lha) format. I
figure that said format is now too obscure for Gmail. That's why I
mentioned http://www.hotpop.com as an option--AFAIK, it doesn't do

2) If one wants to try gzipping and doesn't have a file compression
program that supports gzip, ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip should
be your first stop. Info-ZIP is a project dedicated to porting ZIP and
gzip programs to all major platforms (including ones I've never heard
of, like human68k). So whether you're running DOS, Windows, a Mac,
Linux, OS/2 or even an Amiga, there's a gzip program for you.

3) Just to repeat myself from an earlier post, if one is using an
ftpmail server, the filename CAN be changed on the fly when passing
the GET command. "get wombat.exe wombat.fil" will have it sent as
wombat.fil, which you then rename to wombat.exe after receiving it.

Hope this helps!
Mike Webb
"Surfing the 'net with a two-by-four since 1994"

P.S. I'll repeat my earlier query; is there a current or even recent
list of what accmail servers of any kind are still operational? I
haven't found anything more recent than 3-4 years ago, which is eons
in Internet time. I'd sure appreciate the help! TIA.

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