On 26 May 2007 at 18:25, Mike Webb wrote:
> Is there a current list of FTPMail servers and/or other accmail
> servers (Gophermail, WWWmail, Archie, etc.) that are confirmed as
> working?

The following are public and generally reliable ...

Name: Agora
Email: agora`at`dna.affrc.go.jp
URL: http://www.dna.affrc.go.jp/misc/Agora/Help.txt

Name: Webgate
Email: webgate`at`vancouver-webpages.com
URL: http://vancouver-webpages.com/webgate/

Name: Webpage Grabber
Email: webpage`at`rumkin.com
URL: -

Name: PageGetter
Email: web`at`pagegetter.com
URL: http://pagegetter.com/

Name: www4mail
Email: www4mail`at`wm.ictp.trieste.it
URL: http://www4mail.org/

Name: www4mail at szs.net
Email: www4mail`at`szs.net
URL: http://emailonly.szs.net/www4mail/
Note: The access control list is membership of this ACCMAIL list

Please tell us if I have omitted anything obvious!

::: SZS :::

To contribute to the discussion, email to accmail@listserv.aol.com
To unsubscribe, email to the *admin* address [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with UNSUBSCRIBE ACCMAIL as the message body.
WWW: http://emailonly.szs.net/

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