
Jim suggests to keep both the /.well-known/est/* entry-points and the optional short ones. Seems the right approach to me and gives the application the opportunity to shorten the request URIs.

Michael Richardson schreef op 2017-11-14 03:57:
Carsten Bormann <c...@tzi.org> wrote:
>> I'm less convinced that we ought to be using this mechanism to shorten
    >> /.well-known/est to /est (why stop there? can't we go to /?)

    > Why do you think that a node can only have one EST endpoint?

It could have hundreds, I agree.
Could also have hundreds of different IPs in the /64 answer.

If it had more than one, then shortening would have to be done differently
for each, I think.

We already have /.well-known/est as well.

> It should be possible to have many, and the client should be able to
    > choose the one that is actually doing the right thing for them.

I'm pretty sure that I have no way to describe the logic to a client.

    >> It seems like maybe a 301-like (Moved Permantly) reply from
    >> /.well-known/est/*, but CoAP doesn't have 301 codes….

> (The link-format self-description is exactly the replacement for the
    > HTTP 301 here.  Same number of roundtrips...)

yes, that's a good point, except that for the end-point that has the single
end point at /.well-known/est, then there is no 301.

Michael Richardson <mcr+i...@sandelman.ca>, Sandelman Software Works
 -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-

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