Thanks Ludwig,

That does alleviate the concerns/confusion I had regarding the rs_cnf

On Sat, Feb 1, 2020 at 3:20 AM Ludwig Seitz <> wrote:

> On 2020-01-23 22:31, Brian Campbell wrote:
> > Apologies, I forgot to reply-all at some earlier point and dropped the
> > mailing lists and other cc's off the thread. Added back now.
> >
> > And also apologies because I think I need to recuse myself from the DE
> > responsibility on the JWT registry request here. I've spent more time
> > than I'd like to admit or really have to spare on it and am still
> > struggling to understand.
> >
> > I appreciate you pointing out the authz-info endpoint in ACE but I still
> > don't follow how "rs_cnf" in an access token would really work in
> > practice. The client sends the token to the RS's authz-info endpoint on
> > an insecure connection or one that has the server auth with potentially
> > different key and the RS stores the access token for later use. Then on
> > resource access the RS looks up the access token (with respect to the
> > cnf key in it) based on the key the client used in establishing a new
> > mutually authentication connection to the RS. For the RS to choose a key
> > for server it will use during the handshake (and as far as I know the
> > server key is the first in the authn process of the handshake) based on
> > the "rs_cnf" in the access token, it needs to remember and associate
> > that client and the access token with something else (IP address?) that
> > will be available during the handshake. It doesn't fit together for me
> > in a way that seems likely to work or be interoperable but, like I said,
> > I'm really struggling to understand.
> >
> >
> Hello Brian,
> thank you for your efforts in reviewing the IANA registrations.
> As for your struggling to understand, we should have struggled more,
> since there was indeed a flaw in the reasoning behind the rs_cnf claim
> (and introspection parameter). As a result of that we will remove both
> the rs_cnf claim and the introspection parameter, keeping only the
> rs_cnf token endpoint parameter, which I believe still makes sense.
> Background: When introducing the rs_cnf claim, we had mistakenly assumed
> that the RS could associate the token with the ongoing (D)TLS handshake
> at the time the server certificate message is to be created, this is not
> the case and the rs_cnf claim is therefore useless (same goes for the
> rs_cnf introspection parameter).  Instead I will require that a RS MUST
> NOT hold more than one asymmetric key pair based on the same algorithm,
> used for authentication.  Thus the (D)TLS algorithm negotiation in the
> handshake should resolve the issue of which key to use for the RS.
> Updates of both draft-ietf-ace-oauth-params and
> draft-ietf-ace-oauth-authz coming soon.
> /Ludwig

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