I took a look at InsecureChannelProcessor and there's no response.sendRedirect() happening in there.  It's delegating those types of calls to the entryPoint.commence() methods.  So I guess it's the RetryWithHttpEntryPoint that I need to extend and provide my own commence() implementation, right?
I just want to be sure I'm getting this right.  When a URI has determined to be non-secure by the ChannelSecurity component is it delegating the task of determining whether or not to redirect to the ChannelProcessors?
Thanks again,
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Alex
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2004 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] How do I avoid the IE redirect warning dialog?

Joseph Schmoley wrote:

> First let me say that I'm thoroughly impressed with the work you guys
> have done in designing and coding the Acegi Security Framework.  Thank
> you (from all of us) for all that hard work.  I've implemented a web
> app using it but have a question regarding the ChannelProcessingFilter
> and how it redirects back to HTTP.

> As I'm sure you're already aware, if IE is already in a HTTPS page,
> when it receives a response.sendRedirect() to a non-secure resource,
> by default it gives that dialog box "You are about to be redirected to
> a non-secure page".  Of course this can be turned off via a setting in
> the user's browser, but we're not going to go and ask thousands of
> users using IE to change this setting.  Most of them can't anyways due
> to IT control.

> I've seen workarounds to this where instead of a
> sendRedirect(, the server sends back a
> https redirect and in that page there's a small piece of
> _javascript_ that does a refresh of the browser to the non-secure URL.

> As it is right now your ChannelProcessingFilter is just doing a
> simple sendRedirect().  Have you guys ran across this issue?  or
> should I implement my own filter which extends yours and just changes
> this behavior to write a tiny little page with the _javascript_ I
> mentioned to do the redirecting?

Hi Joseph

I haven't run across this issue, but what you say is correct.

The handlers for changing the channel being used are completely
pluggable. See for example the Contacts sample application. A fragment
of its XML follows:

    <bean id="channelDecisionManager"
        <property name="channelProcessors">
                 <ref bean="secureChannelProcessor"/>
                <ref bean="insecureChannelProcessor"/>

    <bean id="secureChannelProcessor"
    <bean id="insecureChannelProcessor"

So you can simply write a replacement insecureChannelProcessor to
achieve your goal. Then wire it up in your application context.



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