That is the best answer.  Thanks.

"Ben Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Randy Thornton wrote:
> >I am using hibernate to save my user objects.  It needs public getters
> >setters and also a default constructor.  Obviously I have worked around
> >this, but it would be much nicer to subclass.
> >
> >Thanks
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Ryan
> Ah, Hibernate.
> To date I've had classes relying on User expect its properties be
> non-null. I've enforced this via the User constructor and treating it as
> a value object once created (ie no mutators). With the added use of User
> in events and to expose additional properties unrelated to security, I
> think it makes more sense to make User an interface and put the onus on
> the developer to enforce non-nulls in their implementations. This gives
> developers flexibility, particularly as the Acegi Security requirements
> of User are very low (four non-null property getters).
> If nobody has any concerns or objections, I'll make this change later
> today. I'll leave User as the concrete implementation so nobody's
> existing code breaks, whilst creating a UserDetails interface.
> Best regards
> Ben
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