Ray Krueger wrote:

Are we done moving all the files around? Is it safe to commit?

Hi Ray

Yes, go for it. For the record (we'll put this in a readme when the Maven changes are absolutely finalised):


- From the project root directory use "maven multiproject:artifact" to build all the core and adapter artifacts (JARs), and run the tests

- From the project root directory use "maven multiproject:install" to add the artifacts (JARs) to your %HOME%/.maven/repository/acegisecurity/jars directory so they're accessible to other Mavenised projects

- To use the Eclipse project, add a MAVEN_HOME variable by selecting "Window", "Preferences", "Java", "Build Path", "Classpath Variables", "New", Name: "MAVEN_HOME", Path (use the "Folder" button): "%HOME%/.maven/repository" (replacing %HOME% with something like "C:/Documents and Settings/your_user_name" on a Windows box)


The core and adapters work well. Still outstanding is to remove the old JARs from the lib directory and complete modifying the Eclipse project to use MAVEN_HOME for all JARs instead of the project lib directory. Carlos is currently working on getting the samples Mavenised. The extractor directory still needs to be removed. The Hypersonic SQL directory still needs to be removed.

It's unclear what we'll do with the integration test directory, as it's important but a large Ant script. In addition, I'll be refactoring or replacing (haven't decided just yet) the sample in the next few days as part of some documentation I'm writing on Acegi Security.

Finally, the main Ant build needs refactoring to remove functionality replaced by the Maven build.

Carlos and I have been keeping most of the Maven change discussions off-list to save traffic, but given the bulk is now complete we'll move such discussions back on-list so people can keep informed of progress and provide feedback.

Best regards

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