On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 08:13:06 +1100, Ben Alex <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ray Krueger wrote:
> >Are we done moving all the files around? Is it safe to commit?
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Ray
> Yes, go for it. For the record (we'll put this in a readme when the
> Maven changes are absolutely finalised):
> - From the project root directory use "maven multiproject:artifact" to
> build all the core and adapter artifacts (JARs), and run the tests
> - From the project root directory use "maven multiproject:install" to
> add the artifacts (JARs) to your
> %HOME%/.maven/repository/acegisecurity/jars directory so they're
> accessible to other Mavenised projects
> - To use the Eclipse project, add a MAVEN_HOME variable by selecting
> "Window", "Preferences", "Java", "Build Path", "Classpath Variables",
> "New", Name: "MAVEN_HOME", Path (use the "Folder" button):
> "%HOME%/.maven/repository" (replacing %HOME% with something like
> "C:/Documents and Settings/your_user_name" on a Windows box)
> The core and adapters work well. Still outstanding is to remove the old
> JARs from the lib directory and complete modifying the Eclipse project
> to use MAVEN_HOME for all JARs instead of the project lib directory.
> Carlos is currently working on getting the samples Mavenised. The
> extractor directory still needs to be removed. The Hypersonic SQL
> directory still needs to be removed.
> It's unclear what we'll do with the integration test directory, as it's
> important but a large Ant script. In addition, I'll be refactoring or
> replacing (haven't decided just yet) the sample in the next few days as
> part of some documentation I'm writing on Acegi Security.
> Finally, the main Ant build needs refactoring to remove functionality
> replaced by the Maven build.
> Carlos and I have been keeping most of the Maven change discussions
> off-list to save traffic, but given the bulk is now complete we'll move
> such discussions back on-list so people can keep informed of progress
> and provide feedback.
> Best regards
> Ben
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Ok was just working on getting my stuff commited. I see the .java file
in the old location src/net.... and in core/src/main...

What do I dooooooooooooo? heh

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