Oops, sorry, I read your message too fast. I dunno about the " closing the
remote session " problem.

Sorry. (:oP)

2007/1/29, Luc Boudreau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

See : org.acegisecurity.ui.logout.LogoutFilter

You should use this filter with a config looking like this :

<bean id="logoutFilter" class="org.acegisecurity.ui.logout.LogoutFilter">
        <constructor-arg value="/statique.html?action=index"/> <!-- URL
redirected to after logout -->
                <ref bean="rememberMeServices"/>
                <bean class="
        <property name="filterProcessesUrl"

Make sure you added the "/processLogout" mapping to web.xml to direct the
request to your ACEGI filter. You can also redirect to a page which will
invalidate the HTTP session after the logout, for extra security. Just use
the « <constructor-arg value="/statique.html?action=index"/> <!-- URL
redirected to after logout --> » and change it for something like «
<constructor-arg value="/statique.html?action=invalidateSession"/> ». This
page has to redirect to your site's home page afterwards, or any other
public access page, then you won't get stuck in an infinite loop.



2007/1/29, CJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Scenario is: an Administrator disables or deletes a user account, while
> the user
> is logged in. The user's Authentication should be revoked from that
> moment on.
> What is the recommended approach for this in Acegi?
> Here's what I've tried so far:
> I tried keeping a map of all users' Authentication objects, and then
> calling
> Authentication.setAuthenticated(false) when the corresponding user is
> disabled.
> That properly sends the user back to the login screen but then causes
> infinite
> loops at login -- presumably because the invalid Authentication is stuck
> in the
> user's session and never gets replaced.
> I also tried keeping a map of HttpSession objects, so i could
> invalidate() them
> directly; but the container (Tomcat 5) doesn't like that; the session
> facade
> seems to use weak reference mapping, so my HttpSession reference ends up
> being
> null when I try to access it next.
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Luc Boudreau

Luc Boudreau
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