Awesome :)
What else is there to say?

On 3/14/07, Robin.Bramley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry guys I've had a busy week and I'm only on the digest list so Ray's
> message took a while to come through.
> Matt - I agree that an application should only have one login form (if
> it's a standard username* and a password is included we can create a
> UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken and then call
> AuthenticationManager.authenticate). I'm also not convinced about the
> use of email addresses as OpenIDs as lots of existing sites use email
> for usernames.
> As for absolute transparency, some OpenID providers (e.g. myopenid) have
> a 'safe mode' that will only allow you to authenticate on their site...
> Ray - * Regex matching of the submitted principal makes perfect sense.
> I've currently got a TODO in the OpenIDAuthenticationProvider for
> mapping URLs to usernames before calling the AuthoritiesPopulator - it
> should be configurable but with sufficient documentation to try to
> prevent misconfiguration that might allow to access
> a local alice account.
> This becomes more critical if the webapp is also an OpenID provider and
> you allow users to use{username} - (thinking
> out loud) in which case the OpenIDAuthenticationProvider could take a
> Map of openid.server domains to patterns (or some form of transformer
> bean)...
> It would be useful to refactor the
> CasAuthoritiesPopulator/DaoCasAuthoritiesPopulator etc. to an sso
> package (maybe rationalise the LdapAuthoritiesPopulator and the
> CasAuthoritiesPopulator interfaces?). For backwards compatibility it
> might be nice to make
> org.acegisecurity.providers.cas.populator.DaoCasAuthoritiesPopulator an
> empty subclass of the new DaoSsoAuthoritiesPopulator.
> I'll finish off the refactoring to abstract the JanRain consumer
> library, add some unit tests, move the package from com.opsera.acegi to
> org.acegisecurity and rewrite the steps in my initial reply to Matt for
> the reference guide and then zip it all up for the sandbox (I'll aim for
> early next week).
> Then I need to find the time to resume the server implementation; my
> primary concern is around seamlessly tying the user interaction into the
> flow - Myopenid makes you authenticate in a second window before
> clicking continue to be returned to the consuming site. Current idea is
> to configure the OpenID server authentication servlet URL as a secured
> resource - assume I may need to modify some Acegi code to allow the data
> to be rePOSTed to the servlet (or appended as a query string and then I
> can implement doGet on the servlet).
> Cheers,
> Robin
> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Acegisecurity-developer Digest, Vol 11, Issue 2
> To:
> Reply-to:
> Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 08:40:43 -0700
> <snip>
> Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 08:41:46 -0600
> From: "Ray Krueger"
> Subject: Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] OpenID support
> I am interested in getting involved in this effort as well. I agree
> with the transparency of the OpenId vs Username field. One of the
> ideas that I lean towards is following a url pattern, rather than just
> the host.domain pattern.
> DHH (the rails guy) talked about this exact subject a few days ago on
> his blog:
> Following a URL pattern makes it extremely easy to tell the difference
> between the two. Providing a means in the code to define an
> 'openIdMatchPattern' that defines a regex to tell the difference would
> be the best way to go on our end in Acegi.
> Also, there several openId libraries out there, it would be senseless
> to build the authentication and delegation functionalities directly
> into Acegi. I think Robin is definitely on the right track there.
> I don't like the idea of our OpenID support calling off into our CAS
> code though, if the functionality there is useful outside of CAS it
> should get refactored into a new home.
> Robin, if you would like to get some other folks involved zip up the
> code and email it to me directly. I'll find a home for it in the
> sandbox and we can all start taking a look at it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Raible
> Sent: 08 March 2007 14:20
> To: Robin.Bramley
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [Acegisecurity-developer] OpenID support
> That's great to hear someone is working on this.  However, I'm wondering
> if it's possible to make it more transparent to the user.
> For example, have some sort of bean or filter that's OpenID aware and
> has a list of servers to talk to. If there's two dots in the username,
> Acegi attempts to authenticate with open id (through some background
> call that's transparent to the user).  If not, it attempts normal
> authentication.
> Is there any problem with providing this type of transparency?  I like
> the idea behind having the openid string and username come from the same
> text box.
> I don't know about the fake e-mail address in the above post, but I like
> the idea of assuming openid when no password is entered.
> Matt
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