On 7 August 2016 at 04:55, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews <j...@eff.org> wrote:
> The rationale from the notes is that nonces are not a scarce resource.
> However, cachability and idempotence of GETs were not addressed. I think
> it's worth not requiring nonces on GETs purely for those reasons. In
> practical terms, this difference has caused real bugs for Let's Encrypt.

The hazard here is that you generate a cacheable response that
contains a nonce.  That means that clients could see the same nonce
twice if they pull from cache.  But the downside there is that you
could end up with a rejection when the nonce is used the second time.
The upside is that the rejection will contain a new nonce.  (If you
aren't retrying requests when you get a 4xx, then you will have a bad
day anyway).

Not sure about your question regarding idempotence.  Maybe you are
concerned about GET being safe (in the RFC7231 sense) and the
side-effects of the request.  To that, I'd suggest that if generating
a nonce is not safe in your server implementation, you have bought
yourself a lot of pain for nought.  Generating a nonce safely (e.g.,
without committing state) is fairly trivial.

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