On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 4:40 AM, Richard Barnes <r...@ipv.sx> wrote:
> Daniel noted that there might be some issues with GET idempotency here, but
> I don't think this actually makes GET non-idempotent.

It's still idempotent, because doing the GET twice has the same effect
as doing it once.  You are concerned about the GET no longer being
safe.  That is, it is no longer side-effect free.

It is OK to do things in response to a GET as long as the server owns
the consequences.  Servers frequently log GET requests, which isn't
safe or even idempotent, but servers do it because there is an
advantage to them that exceeds the costs.  As long as clients aren't
held accountable for these side-effects, it's OK.

Or, you could consider the resource to have been updated at some point
in the past as though the authorization triggered proactive issuance,
but it's just that the GET has taken a little while to "find" the
updated state.  Think of it as a lazy load, or maybe an extreme case
of the server cache needing to be populated.

If you like, we could also dive into whether this specific type of
request is safe to send in 0-RTT, but I don't have the brain cells for
that right now.

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