On 10/22/2018 6:10 PM, Richard Barnes wrote:

On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 10:57 AM Kas <k...@lightc.com <mailto:k...@lightc.com>> wrote:

    On 10/22/2018 5:40 PM, Richard Barnes wrote:
    On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 10:13 AM Kas
    <mailto:40lightc....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

        Hi Richard,

        The weak point here is the TLS connection so the question is :
        How to prevent man in the middle from issuing a compromised
        certificate to automated client ?

    I don't understand what you're proposing here.  There's nothing
    we can do in a protocol to stop a CA from issuing any certificate
    it wants to.  (That's why we have Baseline Requirements, audits,

    Are you worried about a MitM causing the real CA to issue a
    certificate to the MitM?  That risk is already addressed in ACME,
    but using *client* authentication, not server authentication --
    what matters is the client from which the server accepts domain
    proof and a CSR, not what server the client thinks it's talking to.
    I am concerned about MitM issuing the certificate to the client.

Why does the MitM even need ACME for this?  Can't it just issue the certificate?

Maybe your concern is that the MitM could convince the client to install and serve TLS using a certificate of the MitM's choosing.  I can see how that could be harmful, e.g., if the certificate had improper SANs in it.  This is addressed to a degree in the Operational Considerations [1], but could probably be improved.  In any case, the right mitigation for this risk is for the client to verify that the certificate chain looks sane before installing it, since even the correct server could provide a malicious cert chain.
[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-16#section-11.4

Exactly, MitM can issue a certificate with his own SAN, so how to validate a chain properly without third party ? what if the MitM has issued to the client a certificate with known trusted CA by the system, against what should the client validate and verify such certificate and its chain ?

I don't see a way to verify a chain without third party ( trusted or known) as all root certificate are self-signed, how much time do you think is needed before changing this protocol to enforce DANE, DANE should be enforced long time ago but it will not happen any soon, and on other hand why repeat the process DKIM went through, till now it is not enforced but don't expect your email to reach its destination without proper DKIM. My point is don't waste this opportunity to implement the protocol the right way, all what you need is something like those examples i wrote, and here another one : in many server client application i wrote i used PSK ( pre-shared key) , server has a RSA public key in DNS TXT record and the client use it to encode his random generated pre-shared key and send it as hint to the server.

My intention is not wasting anyone time, just explaining a point that can be problem in the future, and i am sure all of you can reach the perfect solution.

Best regards
K. Obaideen

        or How to make sure TLS connection is not compromised ?

        TLS require self signed root certificates and CA certificate
        and this compromise the client implementation and put weak
        points allowing attacks or failure due to expired
        certificates ( compromised system ...) , all of this can be
        prevented without waiting for/(or forcing) DANE by
        implementing similar approach.
        By adding such mechanism client can work securely forever, no
        certificate to expire or revoke, such feature will eliminate
        the depending on system provided CA certificates or any
        third-party source.

    This sentence should cause you concern. Nothing is forever in

    Using forever was wrong, i shouldn't say that.

    As I noted above, there is already no need for third-party


        Best regards,
        K. Obaideen

        On 10/22/2018 3:48 PM, Richard Barnes wrote:
        Hi Kas,

        Before launching into mechanism, maybe you could clarify
        what authentication property you think is lacking here?

        Note that ACME already has server authentication, via TLS
        server authentication.  All the normal PKI mitigations apply
        there: CT, HPKP, etc. It is also already the case that the
        CA can issue certificates for its ACME server; no third
        party is needed.


        On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 7:06 AM Kas
        <mailto:40lightc....@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

            It will be regrettable and unfortunate moment to pass on
            opportunity to make the internet more secure, and please
            let me start
            with listing the facts:

            1_ ACME Server is CA server, if you consider it a CA
            server then you
            don't need a third party to validate and secure the
            connection with such
            2_ DANE is great but will not be adopted and needs years
            or a
            catastrophic failure by some CA to go mainstream, simply
            too many
            parties has it in conflict with their business model.
            3_ SPF and DKIM are used in plain TXT DNS records and
            they already
            securing the internet the world.
            4_ ACME protocol is utilizing DNS TXT record to
            authenticate the client
            so both server and client has DNS handling procedure.
            5_ There is huge security hole in providing the root
            certificates to
            secure the internet, and in most cases it depends on the
            system store,
            many antivirus software installs with default settings
            to intercept
            HTTPS connection by injecting their own root certificate
            in system, many
            things can go wrong with system store, even extensions
            in a browser can
            do that.

            So why not authenticate ACME server in different way
            than DANE TLSA
            record and utilize TXT record similar to DKIM and make
            it a obligatory,
            this will allow two parties to securely communicate with
            only one
            requirement to trust one ACME server they already asking
            it for
            certificates, those parties can build secure internet
            environment based
            on one ACME server, even this protocol can evolve in
            future to issue
            certificates with only IP and no domain name, is that
            something wrong ?

            (listing few ideas, examples)
            "acme.TLSA" TXT here you can copy the whole content of
            TLSA record in
            JSON format encoded in base64url ( may be too much )
            "acme.certs" TXT list the hash of the acme server
            certificates for
            secure connection ( shouldn't be the root or CA
            certificate )
            "acme.ckeys" TXT list the the certificates public keys
            in JWK format
            with base64url encoding ( shouldn't be the root or CA
            certificate )
            "acme.aKey" TXT contain one or more public keys (RSA or
            ECC) in JWK
            (base64url) format this key can be used to authenticate
            responses from
            acme server or only one critical response

            "acme.dir" TXT the directory url encoded with base64url
            ( in this case
            the client only need the server domain name like
            example.com <http://example.com> or
            <http://staging.acme.example.com> to get the acme
            directory )
            "acme.chain" TXT url to download acme server certificate
            chain in secure
            "acme.store" TXT url to download the mini store for that
            acme server
            certificate trust in secure manner ( if this adopted
            then there will be
            many store provider like mozilla.com
            <http://mozilla.com> or android.com <http://android.com>
            the client
            application can get his own store form his own sources,
            client trust
            Microsoft and its store but he can't be sure the store
            copy in his
            Windows is not tainted )

            Please consider discussion this.

            Best regards
            K. Obaideen

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